How can we control our ego?


Islam is the religion of peace and security. Followers of Islam have been told the complete way of life. This is a complete code of conduct. If we want our society to be a haven of peace and tranquility, we must follow the rules and principles that Islam has established. Islam cares for the necessities of life and rights of mankind in every way. Society just has to stick to it. Only animals and foolish souls can live of their own free will. In order to live a wise and humane life, a society has to abide by rules and regulations. Every religion has taught its followers ways to control themselves. The principles of Islam are as follows.

1. Hunger

2. Silence

3. Loneliness

Hunger makes a person weak and emaciated. This makes man less inclined towards sin. Hunger also makes a person compassionate. So the first thing that can stop a person from sinning is hunger. Man's hunger.

Then there is the silence that prevents man from sinning. And third is the loneliness that prevents man from sinning. If you want to avoid sin, you must do these three things. A little hard work will make your life a center of peace and tranquility.


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