Quran lesson- Surah Toba.

Quran lesson- Surah Toba.
From Al-Alam to Wal-Nas, Allah Almighty has given us a source of knowledge. We should be well watered by this ocean of knowledge. In order to awaken this passion, Ahqar tried to do his part. He said the right thing in his mind in the right way. Let it be a source of forgiveness and betterment of the nation. Let us move on to our title: We try to know about Surah Al-Tawbah.
Surah Tawbah is a Madinah, but from its last verses, (1) (Khazan, Tafseer of Surah Al-Tawbah, 1/2.)
This Surah has 16 Ruku, 129 verses, 4078 words, and 10488 letters. (2) Khazan, Tafseer of Surah Al-Tawbah, 1/2.) There are more than ten names of this Surah, out of which these two names are famous (1) Repentance. Repentance is often mentioned in this Surah, so it is called "Surah Tawbah".
(2) Baraat. Here it means to be acquitted, and in its first verse, acquittal is declared from the disbelievers. For this reason, it is called "Surah Baraat".
The name Bismillah was not written at the beginning of this Surah. The main reason for this is that Gabriel (peace be upon him) did not come down with this Surah in the name of Allah and the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Did not say (3) (Jalal al-Ma'i Sawyi, Surat al-Tawbah, 2/3.) It is narrated from Hazrat Ali Al-Murtada (may Allah be pleased with him) that in the name of Allah there is peace and Surah Tawbah was revealed with the sword to bring peace. (4) (Mustadrak, Kitab al-Tafsir, Tafsir Surat al-Tawbah, lam lam taktab fi baraa; in the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful?
The main theme of this surah is that the rules of jihad against the polytheists and the People of the Book were stated in it and the hypocrites were prevented from the battle of Tabuk and a distinction was made between Muslims and hypocrites. In addition, these subjects are mentioned in this Surah.
(1) Exoneration was declared from the polytheists with whom the Muslims had made a pact and they did not abide by their pact.
(2) The claim of the infidels of Makkah to be superior to the Muslims was accepted.
(3) The incident of Ghazwa-e-Hunain was narrated.
(4) * The Jews rejected Hazrat Ezra (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the Christians rejected Jesus (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as the son of Allaah.
(5) * The conversation between the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and Hazrat Abu Bakr (may Allaah be pleased with him) in the Cave of Thor during the migration was narrated.
(6) The costs of Zakat have been stated.
(7) The incident of Masjid-e-Zarar was narrated and the virtue of Masjid-e-Qaba was narrated.
(8) * Hazrat Ka'b ibn Malik, Hazrat Hilal ibn Umayyah and Marara ibn Rabi ', may Allah be pleased with them, who were not present in the battle of Tabuk, repented.
Yarb: This teaching of the Qur'an is only for your pleasure, so accept it in your court.


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